Sharing your ETA with TeslaETA

One of my favourite features of Uber has always been "Share My ETA", a way to simply send a link to someone allowing them to see your estimated arrival time and track your ride. As I'm already running TeslaLogger, I thought I'd build a tool that would allow me to share my ETA based on my Tesla's location.

This is where TeslaETA comes in.

So how do you get it up and running alongside TeslaLogger?

TeslaETA behind Traefik

We'll assume  you have a running Traefik and TeslaLogger instance, if not, you can use the following guide to get that set up.

We'll run TeslaETA as a Docker contianer, for which we'll need to configure 2 things, our docker-compose.yml and the .env file.


We'll need to create a folder to store the SQLite DB in: mkdir -p ~/docker/teslaeta/data/

Next, we'll move into the folder cd ~/docker/teslaeta/.

In that folder, let's create the following docker-compose.yml file:

version: '3'
    container_name: teslaeta
    - ./data/:/data/
    - .env
    - traefik_default
    - "traefik.enable=true"
    - "traefik.http.routers.teslaeta.rule=Host(``) && PathPrefix(`/map`)"
    - "traefik.http.routers.teslaeta.entrypoints=websecure"
    - "traefik.http.routers.teslaeta.tls=true"
    - "traefik.http.routers.teslaeta.tls.certresolver=leresolver"
    - ""
    - ""

    external: true

We'll mount the data folder that we created as a volume, so that we can keep our SQLite database safe and connect it to the traefik_default network.

Next, we'll configure the labels. The configuration above will have it run on, and leverages leresolver  to generate certificates.

It's  also expecting our TeslaETA service to run on 5051.


Now that we have the docker-compose file ready, let's configure the .env file.

We'll use the .env_sample file as a starting off point:


We'll configure the following variables:

  • PORT will need to match your docker-compose configuration, so we'll set it to 5051.
  • DATA_DIR will need to match the volume mount, so we'll use /data/ here.
  • SECRET_KEY is a random key that's used to encrypt the user password. Just use a randomly generated password here.
  • ADMIN_PASSWORD is a htpasswd. You can use a command such as htpasswd -n user to generate a password. Just copy the password hash, not the username.
  • BASE_URLwe'll set to /map to match the Traefik rule.
  • MAPBOX_TOKEN you can get by creating a free account on Mapbox, and generating a token.
  • TESLALOGGER_BASEURL we'll set to http://teslalogger:5000/ as that's the internal service name on the traefik_default network and the 5000 port is the internal port used by TeslaLogger. If you're running TeslaLogger separately, simply point it to your TeslaLogger instance, i.e. http://raspberry:5010/
  • TESLALOGGER_CARID is the ID of your car in TelsaLogger - the default being 1.
  • TZ is the environment variable you can use to set your local timezone for the expiry time of the links.

Running it all

Now that you've configured everything, simply use docker-compse up -d to get it up and running.

That's it - you should now be able to access TeslaETA via and create links.